A Kit to provide necessary search and rescue supplies for a team of four persons. Supplies packaged in
a convienent storage container. Kit includes:
4 hard hats
1-pipe wrench
4 eye goggles
1-claw hammer
4 safety vests
1- short handle axe
4 whistles
1- survival knife kit
6-12 hour light sticks
1- jab saw
12 pair- leather gloves
1- adjustable wrench 10"
12 dust masks
1- pliers set ( 5 pcs.)
1 GI pick
1- 6 pc screwdriver set
2 (50') nylon ropes
1- short sledge hammer
1 bolt cutter ( 24")
1- gas/water shut-off tool
1 folding shovel
1 AM/FM solar radio
1 firemans axe
2- 50' rolls duct tape
1-8 ton hydraullic jack
1-nylon tool bag
2 wrecking bars ( 24" & 30")
5-solar balnkets
1-2000 lb test steel pulley
1- tarp ( 16' X 24')
1-hacksaw w/ blades
2- boxes waterproof matches
2- rolls "caution" tape
5- slow burning candles
2- 3 way can openers
50- water purification tablets
4- flashlights with batteries
4- high intensity lightsticks